This is a selection of several poster and print designs I made throughout the years. Most of them are commissioned work.

Personal Prints (2019-2021)
Throughout the years of being a designer, I made a lot of prints of whatever came to my mind. Because I often do a lot of comissioned work, I really enjoy doing these little projects for myself, to challenge my creativity and keep the fun in designing. The posters are often connected to hiphop music or social topics that I find important. This is a small selection of the posters I made.

StaySafeStaySane (2020)
A campaign by Studio Lennarts & de Bruin at the beginning of the pandemic to spread positivity during the lockdown. Designers could send in posters designs. This is my design, where I tried to show the positive side of distant socialising. The posters were showcased at their website, on the streets and in hospitals.

IFFR Future Posters (2021)
To celebrate their 50 year anniversary, International Film Festival Rotterdam exhibited 100 festival posters: 50 from the archive, next to 50 from the future. This is my design for the year 2065 where I wanted to play around with the iconic tiger logo and show the different emotions that are involved in the filmfestival. The posters were showcased on and at an exhibition at Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam.

North Sea Jazz Art Poster (2019)
An elective at the Willem De Kooning Academy is to design an art poster for the North Sea Jazz festival. My design was selected for the exhibition at the festival. I took inspiration from different jazz album covers and created typography with paint, and edited this later in photoshop to show the growth of this iconic festival.

Feis for Hiphophuis (2019)
In memorial of dutch rapper Feis, who passed away in 2019, Hiphophuis wanted an artwork of him and I had the honour to create that since I already worked several times for Hiphophuis. I illustrated him in combination with one of his iconic lyrics from his song “Superman”.

Keti Koti for Hiphophuis (2020)
Ketikoti is a Surinam holiday, annually on July 1, to celebrate the abolition of slavery. Hiphophuis asked me to make an illustration in celebration of this holiday. Since I also value this holiday I really enjoyed making this poster.